
ACS Clothing - Rental and Resale fashion fulfillment

ACS Clothing offers a comprehensive rental, return and re-commerce service to menswear, womenswear and babywear retailers. From its base in Glasgow, Scotland, ACS serves 80% of the menswear rental market in the UK and is also the UK’s leading sustainable clothing solutions partner. The DFT Rolleradapter System in Glasgow enables brands and retailers to utilize a circular, rental or resale model for fashion across 85,000 sqm.

ACS Clothing - Rental and Resale fashion fulfillment

ACS is managing the entire reverse logistics process


Circular Economy (reCommerce)


Hanging Garments (GoH)

Once the garments arrive on site, RFID tags are sewn into each item. The use of RFID technology allows ACS to track garments whilst on site and increases accuracy and efficiency further as they have the ability to scan multiple garments instantaneously. Each SKU is then added to ACS' system. Once up and running, ACS manages the entire reverse logistics process. Wether rented, returned or pre-owned and ready for resale, every item that arrives back on site at ACS' facility is treated with the same delicate care.

ASC enables brands and retailers to join the circular economy

1.) Checking – ACS scans the itmes collectively thanks to integrated RFID technology. Unworn items, identified by ribbons still attached, are treated on a case by case basis. Those without ribbons are sent to cleaning and sanitisation. Each item in scanned throughout each of the following steps.

2.) Sanitization & Cleaning – Every item goes into ACS’ large ozone sanitization chamber. when working at full capacity ACS can sanitize 30,000 garments per day. Garments that are marked or stained are then treated by landry specialists.

3.) Care and Repair – When necessary, garments are then passed to expert textile specialists who repair tears, replace zips and buttons and make light tailored adjustments.

4.) Steam – Once ready, garments travel around the ACS facility driven by DFT’s EcoFlow™  system along to the steam tunnel.

5.) Protect – Once steamed, items travel again to the auto-bagger where they are covered in recycled poly to protect them whilst in storage.

ACS in numbers

For 25 years ACS have specialized in rental fulfilment and clothing renewal. Since launching in 1997, ACS' business has evolved and expanded and its operations, expertise, and passion for what they stand for remains the same.

400 k

Orders processed per year across menswear womenswear and babywear.

3 Million

Items of stock currently on-site, with capacity to increase.


Garments cleaned per week by our highly skilled team.


Jackets go through our steam tunnel every hour.

99,8 %

Percentage of viruses eliminated via our pioneering O₃ Ozone cleaning method.


Square Ft purpose-built facility with state-of-the-art garment handling technology.


ACS is the UKs largest rental and resale fashion fulfillment center. They enable brands to adopt a rental or resale model by offering an end-to-end fulfillment service that includes (but is not limited to): warehousing, order management, RFID technology integration, powerful and eco-friendly cleaning and sanitisation, expert clothing repairs, and also all picking, packing and dispatch of orders. ASC takes care of everything behind the scenes and the entire process is completed in our state-of-the-art purpose-built facility.